Thursday, January 26, 2017

26th of january - International Spouse Day

Well, I'm not quite sure if it's international, but 26th of January is a celebration day for wives and husbands, for people who are in a relationship and want to add a new day to celebrate their love.

I know, we don't need special assigned days to celebrate our beautiful story. We can do this every single day. But I've just discover love has a new occasion for celebration (yay!😂) and just wanted to share it with you. ❤💕

So, if you already had this in mind or not, just take a minute, or more, today and show your beloved one, for the millionth time, how much they mean to you, how much you love them and cherish every single second you spend together, every heartbeat and every breath you share with each other.

Show them that you will always be there for them, in sunshine or storm, holding their hands, every time tighter.

Remind them that their path in life will be most of the times blossom and rainbows, marshmallows and butterflies.

Show them that they will never be alone or left behind in hardship and sorrow, that you will be their main pillar and their support along the way until the last moment of your existence.

And for my beloved wonderful husband: I love you so much and I will do my best to add sparkle, magic and a pinch of crazy to every day of our life together. May it be long and fulfilled! 💝💞💕💟😊

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