Thursday, December 29, 2011


I had a friend once ... She was one of my best friends... So I thought at that time... But I don't know what happened... I was happy with all I had, I was feeling blessed with all that and of course I was sharing it with the beloved ones, including her... I think it was then when she started to act strangely. I felt that she ignored me and wasn't very pleased with me being happy. Although she had almost all she wanted from life. Anyway, I didn't feel ok about the way she was treating me sometimes. Maybe I exaggerated and I acted a little bit immature when I decided to put an end to that relationship and the way I did it. Now it seems so stupid. She did wrong, I did wrong. We acted like silly girls, instead of trying to accept each other with all our flaws and qualities. I guess this is a very important thing to do, accepting the other even if he/ she is not perfect..
I am sorry, she knows that. I don't know if she is sorry too, but... We are supposed to be acquaintances, at least in theory, but we haven't spoken to each other for more than a year...
However, now, when I look behind, I cannot stand but having a few regrets and a dilemma. Will it be OK to try a new link with her or... is it better to let things just the way they are ?...

After all, I already have three true best friends...

Monday, December 19, 2011

Best wishes

Shall you find roses in life, may you enjoy their scent and fragile petals...
Shall you get lost in creepy forests, may you have the strength to look up to the sky, use your wings to fly beyond the clouds and touch the rainbow...
Shall you ever have to walk through rain, may you be able to realize that every drop is a musical note that together make the most beautiful waltz of life, so that you can learn to dance it.

Shall December be too harsh, may you carry in your soul April sun's warm and sweet smile to comfort you.
Shall love take your hand and guide you through life, may you never let go because, as they say sometimes: Love can be a tiny hand holding your finger, a slobbery wet kiss, little chubby cheeks, and an innocent sweet smile...

La vie en gris

Petite enfante, vêtue dans des haillons, chantant des hymnes inconnus à haute voix...
Tes murs sont si tristes quelquefois. Tes peintures craquées, jetées sur la terre, ne racontent plus de braves histoires. Tous les hommes osent les fouler aux pieds sans pitié.
Tu n'est pas folle, ma chère, quoique tu voles toujours haut que les nuages, espérant qu'un jour ta main touche au moins un rayon de soleil. Mais la pluie joue avec toi maintenant. Les gouttes étincelantes dansent sur toi, envahissent même ton âme qui est si loin..
Tu cherches un arc-en-ciel pour te cacher, pour nuancer un peu tes yeux fatigués.
Les mains dans les poches, tu trouves une pièce d'un puzzle qui ne t'appartient pas et aussi un vide que tu devrais commencer à remplir en ce moment. C'est très simple, tu sais. Car dans ton univers éclaté, tu as suffisants crayons de couleurs pour en créer encore un. Ne crains rien. Tu est forte, si forte que tu pourrais construire ton propre soleil, à partager, si tu veux, avec tous ceux qui t’entourent.

Un 2024 cât mai bun!

Pexels: Jill Wellington Sunt aproape 3 ani de când nu am mai scris aici și mai pe nicăieri. Prioritățile au fost altele, viața s-a scurs ori...