Showing posts with label English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English. Show all posts

Sunday, December 20, 2020

I Haven't Seen the Sun in Days


Photo by Pelly Benassi on Unsplash


I haven't seen the sun in days,

None of its joyful shiny rays,

It's getting gloomy and too cold,

My soul is turning grey and old.

The dark is crawling in my heart

And I can't fight it without warmth,

My smile is getting faint and bitter, 

While my petals start to whitter.


Where are you hiding, dear sun?

Where are you now, where have you gone?

The world is getting heavy here,

It all feels blurry and unclear...



Monday, November 9, 2020

Where Am I when I Can't Find Myself


Arhiva personală - 2016


where am I when I can't find myself?

in a book left on the shelf,

in someone's dreams, in a black hole,

losing my mind, losing control.


where am I when I can't breathe?

above the water or beneath,

locked in a bottle with a note

which I forgot my own hands wrote.

who am I when I'm not enough

when autumn days are long and tough,

when I can't see a ray of light,

through my own eyes that still shine bright?...

Thursday, November 5, 2020

I think I'm a Tree... I think I'm a Bird




I think I'm a tree...

I haven't moved an inch in years,

I stopped feeding my dreams and fears,

I love the wind between my leaves,

The soothing peace it sometimes brings...

I think I'm a tree...

I'm craving for the high blue sky,

To join the careless butterflies,

The bumblebees that are so free...

But I cannot. I'm just a tree...

I think I'm a bird...

I live my days in a small cage,

I have no sorrows and no rage,

I only take what I'm being thrown

I have no power of my own.

I think I'm a bird...

I sing off key some shady rhymes,

I chirp along from time to time,

I stare at the wide open door,

Can I just fly? Not anymore...

But you know what? I'm not a tree. 

I can still move, I can be free.

I spread my wings cause I'm a bird

That wants to fly and to be heard.

Turns out that I can rise and shine,

Leaving the comfort zone behind

And heading to fulfil some dreams

To learn some new songs. So it seems...

Sunday, September 27, 2020

It's Getting Late in Life

While you're hunting shiny stars. 
While you're fighting your own wars, 
It's getting very late in life 
And you're running out of time.

While you are getting mad, 
Growing bitter, often sad,
You forget to live this day
And you still can't find your way.

The clock is now ticking fast,
There's no future and no past,
So quickly make up your mind:
You want to live or just survive?

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

My Best Friend Forever and My Worst Enemy...

It's hard to be me at so many levels,
Fooled by the demons, protected by angels, 
I smile and I laugh, I frown and I sigh, 
Spinning in circles, while I'm doing fine. 

I dance without music, I stumble and fall, 
I rise, I get angry and hit hard a wall, 
I hate it, I love it cause this is so me, 
It hurts me, it breaks me, it motivates me. 

Some days I feel good, then I feel really bad. 
I think I am happy, but go to sleep sad. 
I open my wings and try to fly high, 
But when I look down, I fear I might die. 

Sometimes, the apocalypse seems to be coming. 
I'm on the shore, but I'm almost drowning. 
I'm afraid of storms in clear daylight, 
I surrender my soul without any fight. 

But then there are days when I give myself love, 
I see only rainbows and cute butterflies, 
I like everybody and they all like me, 
It feels the best time to breathe and to be! 

Sometimes I need to be heard, to be seen, 
To be what I am: a nice human being, 
To go out, meet friends or strangers too, 
Not to worry about what I say or I do. 

But there come the days when I want to be dust, 
To feel no love, hatred or lust, 
To enjoy what I need most in the world:
Peace and full silence, not hearing a word. 

There are these days when I look deep inside, 
Finding myself the best place to hide;
Then I look in the mirror and what do I see?
My best friend forever and my worst enemy...

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Beautiful dead leaves

Early morning short poem😊

Beautiful dead leaves fall from the trees,
When no one knows, when no one sees
How colourful and alive they actually are
When the wind blows hard, taking them far...

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Before I Die

Photo by Emma Matthews on Unsplash

A wishlist with a few things I would love to achieve before I die:

✅ Play with wild baby animals. I really dont't know how, when or where, but I dream about it.

✅Deliver at least one TED talk about something I am passionate about. There's a looong way to this one.

✅ Rock at public speaking and share ideas worth spreading. That's still a real challenge. Public speaking makes me nauseous. 

✅ Own a house at the countryside with a little garden, with flowers and a couple of trees.

✅ Become a professional photographer. Got the diploma, but still have a lot to work on this one too.

✅ Read as many books as possible. For this one, I made real progress.

✅ Learn german, dutch and portuguese, maybe also japanese. Yep, in this short life.

✅ Make time for a little painting. Maybe when I'm retired.

✅ Learn how to make a proper makeup. This should be easy if I invest in the proper products and also invest a little bit of time in it.

✅ Live in a genuinely civilized country for a couple of years. really must do it.

✅ Tell all the good people in my life what they mean to me and how they inspired me. Already did this a couple of times.

✅ Have pillow fight at least once. I don't know why I want this, but I want to try it.

✅ Visit as many countries as possible and also our beautiful Romania. 

See Sakura, the blooming of cherry blossoms in Japan. That would be like having visited Heaven on Earth.

- to be continued - 

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Poem for her

She's a woman and a child,
Sometimes weird, sometimes wild,
She is shy, but also bold
With many secrets untold.

She has magic in her heart
And she makes me fall apart,
I'm the earth and she's the sky
Full of fairy sparkling lights.

I'm human, but she is not,
She's the strangest piece of art,
She's untouchable, you see
Maybe she is not for me... 

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Saturday mornings

Leave your bed and brush your teeth. Comb your tangled hair, wash your face and make a mint tea for you. With honey. And a coffee. Sugar free. For me. 

Join me on the balcony. Fresh tulips await for you in that old vintage vase I never liked. Put the two cups on the small round table. Have a seat and take my hand. Close your eyes and feel the vibe. Feel the warm wind playing in your hair, caressing your face, washing away all the worries. It's still dark outside, but not for long. At the other end of the sky, the sun has awaken. 

Saturday, February 11, 2017

11th of February - Make a Friend Day

According to Make a Friend Day, we should be making at least one new friend today, to celebrate properly. 😊

When we are young, children or teenagers, we crave mostly to meet new people, to spend time out with large groups of what we call "friends", to make new ones, to get to know as many new faces as possible.

When we are young, we don't judge too much and we make little selective choices when it comes to people. We rarely see the true colours of the ones we hang out with because we don't care about this as long as we're having fun.

But as the time goes by, as we grow older and wiser, many people come and go, touching our lives, some walk on the same path with us and then they say good bye at a certain point, some we meet along the way in moments of hardship or joy and join us until the very end, others show up now and then, reminding us that, even if they are not always there, they are with us, be it because they really mean something to us or because they have a personal interest.

When you reach a certain age, after having met hundreds of people, you become so much more selective. You prefer to narrow it down to a small group of friends. Because quality matters so much more than quantity and because less is more.

Those people are the only ones you can truly call friends and accept in your private space, those are the ones whose qualities and flaws match perfectly yours, whose imperfections are nothing but another reason to love them and care about them more, whose lives blend completely with your own, who you can call soulmates without being wrong for a second, who shed the light you need in times of darkness.

It's hard to trust new people these days, new or even those who you've been knowing for years. Or at least you thought you've known. It's hard to leave your comfort zone and embrace the change in this area, to the point where you should invite new people to your existence. But sometimes it's worth the shot. That's a reality as well. It's risky indeed, but it's worth the shot to let new souls around once in a while. Some will come to stay and others will just be passing by, but oh well, only time can really tell in the end. 👭

As for today, I prefer not to celebrate, at least not with new friends. It feels so comfy with the ones I have, that I prefer it like this for a while more. Maybe some other time I will give it a try.  But not today. 😀😁

Friday, February 10, 2017

10th of February - Umbrella Day

photo source
Today, people celebrate Umbrella Day.

Umbrella makes me think of rain most of the times, of gloomy weather and people shriveling. It makes me think of cold days and people hurrying to go home, to find shelter.

It makes me want to grab a cup of hot tea and heavy blankets, to seek a warm and comfy place.

Knowing that today is Umbrella Day made me write a short story without an ending. So I really need to put my thoughts together for the next part. 😊
- To be continued -

Here's the story: 

The fourth day in a row, drizzled rain was falling from the skies, from the dark chunky clouds. The sun has been hiding for a while now, wandering who knows where. Maybe it needed a vacation, a long break, away from the crazy world it was enlightening every day.

Martina was walking slowly on the sidewalk, looking up and smiling, enjoying the drops of rain on her face. She didn't seem to mind the weather, nor the chilly air. Her summer dress was all wet and was sticking to her body, but it didn't bother her.

She took off her sandals and kept walking, joyfully humming a song she heard on the radio a couple of hours ago. Suddenly she stopped very close to the park. She saw a man sitting on the bench who, just like her, didn't seem to have a problem with getting all wet. He was looking down at his feet.

Martina got closer to him and hid behind a tree. She has been staring at him for a few minutes, noticing that the man was a little sad. Or depressed. Or both. He was sighing once in a while, frowning and running his hand through his hair...

Thursday, February 9, 2017

9th of February - Pizza Day

Today, in some countries, people celebrate Pizza Day. 🍕
This is one of my favourite dishes ever. So far, I haven't met anyone who doesn't like pizza. 

There are so many types, enough to satisfy everyone's taste and appetite. And it's such a good idea when you're out of food. And hungry. You either order it or bake it yourself, it always gets easy with pizza.

That's because pizza, sometimes, gathers people together and makes evenings so pleasant among the dear ones, it's a real delight for any time of the day. This is why, most of the days, I eat a slice of delicious aromatic salami pizza for breakfast. 

There's this canteen at the ground floor from my workplace and they make one of the best pizzas I've ever eaten. So the days when I don't know what to eat for breakfast, I actually know I will enjoy a slice of pizza. And, obviously, I don't mind. 😊

P.S. My favuorite has always been pizza salami with lots of bell pepper and a pinch of onion. On the other hand, I don't like pineapple pizza. I have never understood what's with pineapple on pizza, but everybody has their own tastes. 

So, what's your favourite? 🍕🍕

P.P.S. Our homemade pizza is on top of our best ever list. 😉

Thursday, January 26, 2017

26th of january - International Spouse Day

Well, I'm not quite sure if it's international, but 26th of January is a celebration day for wives and husbands, for people who are in a relationship and want to add a new day to celebrate their love.

I know, we don't need special assigned days to celebrate our beautiful story. We can do this every single day. But I've just discover love has a new occasion for celebration (yay!😂) and just wanted to share it with you. ❤💕

So, if you already had this in mind or not, just take a minute, or more, today and show your beloved one, for the millionth time, how much they mean to you, how much you love them and cherish every single second you spend together, every heartbeat and every breath you share with each other.

Show them that you will always be there for them, in sunshine or storm, holding their hands, every time tighter.

Remind them that their path in life will be most of the times blossom and rainbows, marshmallows and butterflies.

Show them that they will never be alone or left behind in hardship and sorrow, that you will be their main pillar and their support along the way until the last moment of your existence.

And for my beloved wonderful husband: I love you so much and I will do my best to add sparkle, magic and a pinch of crazy to every day of our life together. May it be long and fulfilled! 💝💞💕💟😊

Thursday, January 12, 2017

What's with the Old Age?

With my Grandma
Sometimes, I look at old people and still can't believe it. There are people whom I've been knowing for ages, since they were younger and I was just a child.

I am browsing through my memories and their photos from decades ago. I've watched some of them growing old. My parents and grandparents, neighbours and relatives. But it still seems crazy to me how the old age can change someone, what it makes out of people.

How weak and wrinkled we become, how the white and grey hair become "the new look". All these are part of life, but somehow, even if I don't think that I'm immortal or anything, when I think about it, it sounds like a good joke. 😄

I find it hard to believe that one day, without even knowing, I will look in the mirror and see a little old granny.

It's insane how this works. Even if it's been a couple of years since I've started to notice a wrinkle or a white hair here and there. Obviously, it's happening. To me, to you, to all of us.

Getting old day by day can be scary if you think only about the physical changes. But it's also a gift to reach the old age and still have a young soul. Because, in the end, this is one of the most important thing: how you feel inside. And you might already know: age is nothing but a number. 😉

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

One of Those Days

photo source
This is one of those days when I would not go to work.
When I would leave everything behind and get lost into the forest covered with fresh heavy snow.
When I would listen to the barely noticed whispers of the nature.
When I would try to perceive and understand the sense of the birds chirping, hidden in tree hollows.
When I would ask the wind to stay still so that I can fill my entire being with the magic silence of the forest.
When I would watch the trees sleeping under the sparkling cover of snow.
When I would lay down, holding my breath, and feel the snowflakes softly touching my face and covering me up.
When I would build a snowman. Wait, no, two snowmen. A he and a she, so that they can keep each other company all winter long.
This is one of those days when all I want is to live a winter fairy tale, somewhere, far away from the crazy daily routine. At least for one day...

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Throw Them in the Trash Can

This year I haven't got any well defined resolutions. I haven't written down any plans or goals to accomplish. I will just go with the flow for a while and follow my intuition, my old dreams step by step, minding the casual routine, filling the days with activities I love and see what happens. 😊

The only thing I know and have decided is that I feel the intense need to get rid of some negative stuff I've been gathering the past years. And now I find myself with a pile of garbage that I need to discard and make room for the quality positive material. I need to stop sending negative vibes to the Universe.

So I will throw away the poisoning anger and replace it with the good old patience that never goes out of style. I need to pour more patience drops in my life for the others and for myself.

I will get rid of judging and gossiping so that I can make room for positive feedbacks, fine and appreciative thoughts for the people I get in touch with. 

I will stop considering that some people are not good enough just because they don't follow my life principles and because they make decisions that would never go for me. It's their life and I really want to start accepting them as they are, with the whole package they come along with as them being different than me is actually a good thing. This way, I can learn many lessons from each person that crosses my path. So tolerating diversity and embracing it is doing the others and also myself a big favour.

I will give up on driving myself and others crazy about whatever I cannot influence or change. I need to work on accepting that sometimes there is no other choice than taking situations just as they are and on always focusing on the bright side, never on what can't be undone or reshaped.

Last, but also very important, I have to complain less and literally learn how to appreciate more everything and everyone I have in my life. Thus, counting my blessings and not my sorrows is the best next thing.

I really want to get back to the old me. I miss the old me. The one that was the most optimistic and positive person I have ever known. It will not be easy, but persevering is the key and practice makes perfect. So wish me luck and follow my lead if you feel like doing so! 🍀

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Emma's Pages (16)

photo source
The day she died, she left her entire soul scattered all over the bed, on the messy purple sheets she loved so much, where she used to get lost in the arms of random lovers, every night she broke up with the same old boyfriend.

She left her scent in the wardrobe, among elegant dresses and loose t-shirts, flowery jammies and shabby socks, sexy stockings and fancy bras.

She left thoughts and ideas scribbled on the pages of the books she loved the most, small drawings and smiley faces based on what the books she was reading inspired her or on the mood she was already in that very moment.

She left so many stories in her box of jewellery, pieces of silver or gold, or even plastic and marble jewelry she has collected the past 4 years from all countries she's been visiting.

Emma walked into her best friend's room that was now gone. She was overwhelmed by the pain of this terrible news she has received only a couple of hours ago. She still couldn't believe it! Adeline was gone. Gone...

A bottle of wine was still open on the small table next to the window. A lot of random stuff lied there. Two empty glasses of wine, a blue pen, a sparkly nail polish, the silver bracelet she stole from her mother when she run away from home, 10 years ago. An open book with a few ripped pages was on the floor, next to a pile of all sorts of crumpled clothes.

Emma picked a sweater from the pile and felt the perfume of Adeline. Her favourite perfume since they were in college. A little bit spicy, a little bit sweet, with a pinch of vanilla scent, matching her colourful personality. Emma held the sweater to her chest and tears silently flooded her eyes. Adeline was gone and she left so many things behind, a lot of grief and why's, too many broken hearts and tears to shed...

Saturday, January 7, 2017

You Gave Me Wings

You gave me wings,
I learnt to fly
And I got lost
Up in the sky.

I let you down,
Far away on Earth
And didn't see
How much you hurt. 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

It's OK To Be Lazy

Sometimes, it's ok to be lazy. To spend a weekend day, let's say, doing nothing.
It's ok to spend time by yourself or with a loved one, with a book or two, all curled up in bed, drinking some coffee or tea, some wine maybe.

It's ok to forget once in a while that you have to cook, to clean the house, to do the dishes, the laundry, the ironing.

It's ok if you decided you'll stay all day long in pajamas, with a messy hair, no make-up, watching your favourite movies, listening to music and scrolling down on your Facebook profile.
It's also ok to shut down your mobile phone, TV and laptop if you want, and sleep the entire day if this makes you feel better, with no people interaction at all.

You don't have to be sad or angry to do any of these. If you feel like doing so, you just do it and that's it.

None of these lazy activities turns you into an irresponsible person.
None of these means you forget about your friends and family.

It just means you need these hours or a whole day to recharge your batteries, to pull yourself together after a rough week or month, or simply to spend some time on your own doing pretty much nothing. This is, in a simple way, caring about yourself and your own mental health.

Maybe not everybody has the same needs, but if this helps you disconnect, relax or take some real rest, then just go for it!
Whatever you do, remember this: it's ok to treat yourself right. 😊

Friday, September 9, 2016

The End... of Summer

photo source

It's autumn, but...
The taste of summer is still on my lips,
The sound of the waves is still in my ears,
The sand of the beach is still in my hair...

Un 2024 cât mai bun!

Pexels: Jill Wellington Sunt aproape 3 ani de când nu am mai scris aici și mai pe nicăieri. Prioritățile au fost altele, viața s-a scurs ori...