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Thursday, May 21, 2015
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Un of, două ofuri
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- De ce eşti mereu aşa supărată?
- Nu sunt supărată! Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Cine sunt eu să judec?...
Niciodată nu voi putea înţelege oamenii care pun accent pe cantitate şi uită de calitate,
care folosesc munca altora ca şi cum ar fi a lor doar ca să aibă de câştigat şi să fie apreciaţi şi, mai urât, asta să li se pară ceva perfect normal,
care se gândesc în primul rând la bani sau câştiguri materiale în orice acţiune sau activitate în care se lansează,
care cred întotdeauna că ei ştiu mai bine doar pentru că au citit un articol pe net sau au auzit o părere "avizată" de la un amic.
Dar cine sunt eu să judec, nu? :)
Să evit cât de mult pot astfel de înclinaţii.
Să mă străduiesc să văd şi partea bună din acei oameni ca să nu mă umplu de tristeţe, de frustrare că trăiesc în aşa lume superficială.
Şi mai ales pot să îmi păstrez viaţa frumoasă, colorată alături de oamenii frumoşi care încă îşi respectă propriile valori şi principii,
ale căror fapte sunt pline de profunzime, de naturaleţe, de lumină şi sinceritate, ale căror eforturi autentice merită apreciate fără a sta pe gânduri.
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One step closer
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That moment when you realize you are writing the texts you would love to read and you are taking the photos that bring genuine joy to your soul, that is the moment when you know you graduated to a whole new level.
And it feels so damn good! ツ
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Thursday, May 7, 2015
The reason why people are smiling even in the middle of a rainstorm is
that they know the sun will shine all over again. And once in a while, a
rainbow shows up to put some colour even in the darkest days.
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Wednesday, May 6, 2015
What do you do then?...
What do you do when you realize you don't want to step forward like everybody else does?
What do you do if, instead, you are so willing to take a step back, to watch the crowd from a distance, to leave behind everything you've ever built so far, good or bad, and start over again a long walk on the path that was always waiting for you. A path you kept ignoring although it was there all the time, right behind your feet.
What do you do then?...
You just turn around on your heels, put a brave smile on your face and walk! You walk a mile or a billion miles, you walk slowly or fast, you stop to rest once in a while, but you keep walking knowing that this time you're doing it right, knowing that every little step will take you closer to whatever you envisioned and dreamed of with so much ardor !
You never quit until you are finally THERE and you nod thinking: "Yeah this is what I had in mind all the time!"
Such a beautiful feeling, isn't it? ツ
What do you do if, instead, you are so willing to take a step back, to watch the crowd from a distance, to leave behind everything you've ever built so far, good or bad, and start over again a long walk on the path that was always waiting for you. A path you kept ignoring although it was there all the time, right behind your feet.
What do you do then?...
You just turn around on your heels, put a brave smile on your face and walk! You walk a mile or a billion miles, you walk slowly or fast, you stop to rest once in a while, but you keep walking knowing that this time you're doing it right, knowing that every little step will take you closer to whatever you envisioned and dreamed of with so much ardor !
You never quit until you are finally THERE and you nod thinking: "Yeah this is what I had in mind all the time!"
Such a beautiful feeling, isn't it? ツ
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