Sunday, January 25, 2015

De prin suflet adunate (1)

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Viaţa este minunată atunci când laşi lucrurile simple şi frumoase să îţi copleşească sufletul

Când iubești din toată inima, parcă te debarasezi de o haină grea, mai ales dacă ai trăit multă vreme fără dragoste

Acel moment când somnul se pleacă umil în faţa inspiraţiei...

Îmi asum risc de a crede în minuni în fiecare zi

Ufff... Dacă aş putea să separ zgomotul infernal al maşinilor de ciripitul vrăbiuţelor din teiul care-mi bate-n geam...

Trăim într-o lume în care nimeni nu mai are timp să privească spre cer.

Uneori simt că mi-am pierdut sufletul undeva, în drum spre casă... 

Cerul, adăpost senin chiar şi pentru cele mai tulburi vise


Sufletul tău mai trăieşte?...

Să nu-ţi ascunzi niciodată speranţele sub preş!

Acele zile de vară când faci plajă până nu te mai vede soarele... 

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Friday, January 16, 2015

Love sprinkles (1)

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When I was staring at him in awe, while he was wrapping the watch around his wrist, hair still disheveled in the early morning, I knew that I wanted to see him doing that all the mornings, for the rest of my life.

Him: So... you're playing hard to catch, huh?

Her: I’m not playing hard to catch. I AM hard to catch. Actually, I don’t want to be caught or to fall. Because if I get caught, I might feel caged, I might lose my freedom. And if I fall, I might break something… my heart maybe…

I know you... I've seen you before... once, at the break of the dawn, in an old forgotten dream..

Now you're my morning coffee and I'm your pinch of pepper.

People don't fall in love with sad eyes.

I’m running away from you because you are like a drug: you cause my heart pleasure and pain at the same time.

I hope you won't be disappointed when I show you my human side.

Love is when we cuddle in the morning and refuse to leave our perfect world to face the real world.

I had to let you go to see how precious you are as an individual.

Oh, dear, you smell like happiness!

I need you to read me especially when I don’t say too much.

Once upon a time, she fell in love with the impossible. Impossible people, things, dreams, places.

Why? It's simple: because he makes my heart tremble with magic through his mere existence.

That ardent desire to grab your face in my hands and smash your lips with an unforgettable passionate kiss.

The best thing about some relationships is that they ended.

When I want to listen to your heartbeat, I listen to your favourite song.

You make my butterflies go crazy.

Don’t count on me. I will not save you, but I can hold your hand until someone does or you learn to save yourself.

Look into my heart, not into my eyes...

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Thursday, January 8, 2015

If Your Heart Were A Song....

... what would it be?...

This hypnotic, mesmerizing, full of magic and sparkles song, has the shape of my heart, has my dreams carved in it, has my life imprinted all over it, has my eagerness to grab life and make the best out of it...

Genuine magic...

Un 2024 cât mai bun!

Pexels: Jill Wellington Sunt aproape 3 ani de când nu am mai scris aici și mai pe nicăieri. Prioritățile au fost altele, viața s-a scurs ori...