Friday, January 16, 2015

Love sprinkles (1)

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When I was staring at him in awe, while he was wrapping the watch around his wrist, hair still disheveled in the early morning, I knew that I wanted to see him doing that all the mornings, for the rest of my life.

Him: So... you're playing hard to catch, huh?

Her: I’m not playing hard to catch. I AM hard to catch. Actually, I don’t want to be caught or to fall. Because if I get caught, I might feel caged, I might lose my freedom. And if I fall, I might break something… my heart maybe…

I know you... I've seen you before... once, at the break of the dawn, in an old forgotten dream..

Now you're my morning coffee and I'm your pinch of pepper.

People don't fall in love with sad eyes.

I’m running away from you because you are like a drug: you cause my heart pleasure and pain at the same time.

I hope you won't be disappointed when I show you my human side.

Love is when we cuddle in the morning and refuse to leave our perfect world to face the real world.

I had to let you go to see how precious you are as an individual.

Oh, dear, you smell like happiness!

I need you to read me especially when I don’t say too much.

Once upon a time, she fell in love with the impossible. Impossible people, things, dreams, places.

Why? It's simple: because he makes my heart tremble with magic through his mere existence.

That ardent desire to grab your face in my hands and smash your lips with an unforgettable passionate kiss.

The best thing about some relationships is that they ended.

When I want to listen to your heartbeat, I listen to your favourite song.

You make my butterflies go crazy.

Don’t count on me. I will not save you, but I can hold your hand until someone does or you learn to save yourself.

Look into my heart, not into my eyes...

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Thursday, January 8, 2015

If Your Heart Were A Song....

... what would it be?...

This hypnotic, mesmerizing, full of magic and sparkles song, has the shape of my heart, has my dreams carved in it, has my life imprinted all over it, has my eagerness to grab life and make the best out of it...

Genuine magic...

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Random thoughts (1)

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Keep yourself happy and the world will follow!   

Life is amazing, if you open your eyes and heart 

If during your lifetime on Earth, you manage to make at least one person feel a little bit better, or even happy, then in the end you haven't lived in vain

A sleepless night can be your friend or your enemy...
You can build yourself, brick by brick, you can create new unimagined worlds or you can waste yourself in a very pitiful way...

Never ever give up to your dream. One day you won't call it "dream" anymore. You will call it REALITY!

Dreams come true eventually... It depends only on how much you believe in yourself and what actions you take to fulfill them...
Don't let your dreams become rusty!

We are all searching, praying and waiting for miracles. However, when a miracle does happen, not necessarily to ourselves, we don’t believe in it, we grow skeptical and judgmental.
Sadly, this reaction is not to blame, since we are living in a world full of fake things, fake people, fake feelings, fake information etc… 

When you’re trustworthy, people open their hearts to you and you have no other choice then carrying and sheltering their heavy secrets for the rest of your life..

One of life’s biggest disappointments is when you discover that someone is not how you thought they were.
Because you looked at the world with glittering eyes… as you were always used to. Then, out of the sudden all the glitter fades away and BOOM! The reality hits you in the face!

When people are not interested in something you have or say, they don’t say anything, pretending they don't hear.
But you matter a lot to me, so I am interested in everything you have or say. That's why I almost always say something because I know how important that thing is to you.

No matter what happens, I know I'm safe. in this little world of mine. 

Thank you for teaching me how to kill my feelings and all the butterflies... 

That moment when you are blind enough to see in people the things they don’t have, but you wish they did... 

I used to get so easily depressed about almost everything: the people, the weather, my job, money, time, love, myself...
Now I easily get enthusiastic about almost everything.
See what I mean?...

And then again there are those days when you want to hide and cry your heart out, reason or no reason. But out from a bad habit maybe, you don’t do it. You just rise and shine, and continue all the battles that sometimes seem so useless.
That’s right, keep those tears in there. Who knows when you might really need them...

Because, you see, I carry inside dreams that lost their wings...

Tired of trying to understand this whole thing called life, spinning around and pushing me away from everything i want...

We have the tremendous power to turn people's worlds upside down. Try not to hurt anyone!


Is it better to have an empty mind and a crowded heart or to have a crowded mind and an empty heart?...

Running away from reality is like running away from yourself and what you are meant to be... 

Whatever you do, make passion and love its foundation! 

Never allow all those frustrated people to ruin your day. Smile and enjoy every single moment!

Some words need to be left unsaid, but there are definitely so many things that you need to share with the right person and not keep only for yourself...

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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Stay true to yourself!

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Whatever you do in life, make sure you are not chasing other people's dreams in the absence of your own genuine dream.

 When you give, make sure you NEVER remind people what you did for them, so that you get some respect or appreciation in exchange. Otherwise, what's the point of giving?

When you give, make sure you give with all your heart and expect absolutely nothing in return.

When you are in a relationship, make sure you are not the 5th wheel of the carriage.

When you appear as good and kind, make sure you are not wearing a mask. Nobody likes fake people.

When you are smiling, make sure you are not trying to impress anyone by pretending to be happy.

When you want to give a piece of advice, make sure you don't do it just to satisfy your ego or show off with your knowledge. Also, make sure that person really needs your opinion. Usually, people ask for a piece of advice whenever they need it.

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If you truly wish to be happy, make sure you never bring your standards so low that you end up settling for a few crumbles they throw you now and then. Get out there and grab your own well-deserved complete creamy piece of cake or of love or of friendship or of whatever you want. Just make sure you do your best to have it and never take someone else's piece, no matter how tempting it might be sometimes.

If you want to stay true to yourself in this world full of fakes, make sure you don't boast here and there with other people's creations or achievements. Search inside your heart and you will find for sure plenty of inspiration sources and plenty of ways to make those come to light in the most beautiful shapes.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Suflet de Crăciun

De Crăciun, toate drumurile duc acasă, unde este într-adevăr atât de cald şi bine…

Acasă... locul unde mă simt mereu copil, unde pot să ies fără să ezit din rolul epuizant al adultului împovărat de griji.

Unde Crăciunul miroase a portocale năzdrăvane şi parfumate,a cozonaci aromaţi, chiar dacă bunica nu mai este…

Unde covrigii, nucile şi merele aşteaptă colindătorii care nu mai vin din cauza vremurilor moderne pe care le trăim.

Unde ochii şi sufletele părinţilor se umplu de lumină, de căldură, de bucurie când noi, copiii, revenim cu drag şi dor, casa răsunând din nou de râsete, de poveşti, de tachinări inevitabile ca între fraţi.

Unde bradul ne aşteaptă an de an, gătit cu răbdare de mâinile mamei, cu podoabe şi luminiţe colorate.

Unde tăcerile sunt atât de profunde încât agitaţia şi aglomeraţia urbane devin simple amintiri fără importanţă.

Unde lemnele din foc ne îmbie să ne adunăm la gura sobei ca în copilăria uitată într-un colţ de suflet.

Unde colindele ne încântă cu pace sfântă, îndemnându-ne parcă să fim mai buni, mai blânzi, mai încrezători.

Unde pădurea este copleşită de liniştea magică de basm pe care zăpada a aşternut-o peste noapte.

Unde se găteşte cu acel ingredient special, de nelipsit: dragoste.

Unde Moş Crăciun a existat cândva, demult, în lumi de poveste, în inimioarele inocente, pline de speranţă, care nu fuseseră încă dezamăgite de lumea reală…

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Emma's Pages (2)


Emma was trying on her new dress, staring at herself in the wardrobe's mirror... She was so delighted by the design of the dress, its colours, its shape, that it didn't even cross her mind what life had in store fore her yet. 

And life, in the soft light of the September sun, seemed to become softer itself, preparing for Emma nothing more than a date with her beloved one... for now.


Emma se privi lung în oglinda dressing-ului, aranjându-şi rochia în culori... Era atât de încântată de design-ul rochiei, de culoare, de formă, încât nici prin minte nu-i trecea ce îi mai pregătea viaţa... 

Iar viaţa, în lumina blândă a soarelui de septembrie, parcă se îmblânzea şi ea. Nu-i pregătea momentan decât o întâlnire cu omul iubit... 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Cu "patru ochi"

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            Ce rău e să nu vezi bine! Ce rău e să nu fi văzut niciodată bine, să te fi bazat din fragedă pruncie pe o pereche de ochelari, schimbată rareori cu altele, în diferite perioade ale vieţii.

          Şi mai rău este să-i fi ascuns adesea, să fi refuzat să îi porţi pentru că deveneau hidoşi, mari, ciudaţi sub ploaia de comentarii răutăcioase ale copiilor insensibili, needucaţi sau pur şi simplu… doar copii. Unde mai pui că nu le-a spus nimeni probabil că un aragaz are patru ochiuri, nu patru ochi!

          Şi-apoi toţi se miră că nu ai încredere în tine, că eşti timidă, retrasă, că vorbeşti puţin etc.

          Cine a înţeles vreodată povestea de dincolo de ochelarii unei fetiţe sensibile, cu suflet de porţelan?...

Un 2024 cât mai bun!

Pexels: Jill Wellington Sunt aproape 3 ani de când nu am mai scris aici și mai pe nicăieri. Prioritățile au fost altele, viața s-a scurs ori...