Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Trying to accept

photo source***

...that some people are present at certain moments in our lives only to inspire us, to raise us on the highest cliffs, to motivate us, to painfully pull the best out of us when there is no other way, to support us, love us with great passion maybe, make us the most important person of their existence, care for us, even cure us and then abandon us.

Because their mission is then complete...  they brought us one step closer to what we're supposed to become.

And there are also people who will try to knock us down and sometimes they will succeed in doing so, no matter how much we fight back, they will scratch and bite our souls without mercy, they will set invisible obstacles in our ways, they will not give up until they have hurt and bruised us deeply enough and then finally leave us at peace.

Because their mission is then complete...  they brought us one step closer to what we're supposed to become.


  1. As zice in loc de some , all , pentru ca sunt de parere ca toti oamenii au un rol in viata noastra fie bun sau rau, pentru a ne aduce asa cum ai zis si tu mai aproape de ceea ce trebuie sa fim...

    1. Da, ai dreptate... prezenţa oricărui om în viaţa noastră are o semnificaţie mai mică sau mai mare. Uneori ne dăm seama ce reprezintă fiecare pentru noi, alteori nu...


Un 2024 cât mai bun!

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